Brazilian Lymphatic
Drainage Massage in Los Angeles, CA
If you’re struggling with feeling sluggish and bloated, a Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage can help. Learn about the innovative BLDM in Glendale, CA.

Do you struggle with feeling lethargic, puffy, bloated, or bogged down? Did you know you could be dealing with internal toxins making you feel this way? The good news is that you’re not alone! Our bodies naturally accumulate waste products over time, and sometimes, they need some help to release those toxins so you can feel 100% once again!
If you struggle with these feelings, a Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage at Body Systems Wellness in Glendale, CA, may be just what the doctor ordered! We serve the incredible people living in Glendale, CA, and all the surrounding Los Angeles areas. Call us today at (818) 240-2233 to learn more about this revolutionary form of lymphatic drainage, which helps drain all the unnecessary and harmful toxins from your body in a healthy, natural way.
Our team of experienced professionals specializes in integrative orthopedic care, weight loss management, IV therapy, neuropathy treatments, and more. All are delivered with a personalized approach to meet your unique needs. We have the right solution whether you’re seeking pain relief, improved mobility, or revitalization.
Understanding How the Lymphatic System Works
The lymphatic system comprises a network of vessels, lymph nodes, ducts, and tissues that drain excess fluids from the body and play a vital role in immune defenses by filtering, destroying bacteria, and fighting infections.
Although the lymphatic system is similar to the circulatory system in anatomical structure, it lacks a pump system like the heart, and lymph flows through muscle contractions and breathing. Stress, lack of exercise, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor diet create a sluggish lymphatic system, leading to low immunity and fluid retention.

What is a Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage?
Our lymph vessels connect to the lymph nodes, which are responsible for filtering, concentrating, breaking down, and storing substances. The lymph vessels transport fluid from the lymph nodes back to the blood or the circulatory system.
When those pathways become blocked, congested, or damaged, fluids can build up within the tissues. This can cause many issues within the body, including edema and fibrosis.
Enter the Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage (BLDM). This innovative form of massage stimulates lymphatic drainage to remove toxins and excessive fluids.
Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage (BLDM) is well known and loved in many circles, from Hollywood celebs to suburban moms. This treatment method provides incredible and immediate results for anyone who wants to look better and, most importantly, feel better. BLDM is a gentle technique for stimulating the lymphatic system, removing congestion and stagnation within the body, aiding in detoxification, and improving blood circulation.
Benefits of BLDM
- Aids with weight loss.
- Improves skin complexion.
- Defines muscles.
- Reduces cellulite.
- Increases blood circulation.
- Removes stagnant lymph.
- Improves the immune system.
- Reduces water retention.
Body systems wellness ✽
What’s the Difference Between Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage and Traditional Lymphatic Drainage?
It is important to know and understand that traditional lymphatic drainage differs from Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage. Manual Lymphatic Drainage, or MLD, was developed in 1936 to treat swollen lymph nodes and lymphedema.
This method uses light, rhythmic movements, and skin-stretching techniques. It is performed at the skin level, where most lymph vessels are. The lymph is manually manipulated to move towards the closest lymph nodes, and light pressure is applied. This treatment is considered comfortable and highly relaxing.
On the other hand, the Brazilian method is primarily designed for cosmetic purposes. It blends traditional lymphatic drainage massage techniques with sculpting/contouring techniques and myofascial release to instantly target bloating, puffiness, and water retention. This technique uses more vigorous and profound techniques to help reduce the appearance of cellulite and assists pre- and post-surgery.

What to Expect During
Your Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Before Your Massage
Our team recommends:
- You should bathe or shower before getting your massage.
This ensures the skin is hydrated and more efficient at absorbing the oils we use during treatment. - Drink plenty of water before and after treatment to maintain adequate hydration and aid in removing waste from the body.
- Exfoliate your body before the treatment.
- Allow time to relax before having the treatment.
We recommend you avoid:
- We advise against applying bath oils, lotions, gels, creams, etc., to the skin, as this will hinder the oil’s absorption. (The use of an underarm deodorant is acceptable.)
- Avoid caffeine before treatment.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
If you have any severe medical conditions, it is wise to consult your GP before treatment. The information asked for during your consultation should reveal any problems, and your therapist may advise you to seek permission from your GP before treatment can commence.
After Your Massage
Aftercare is a crucial part of the Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage process.
Our team recommends:
- Drink plenty of water or herbal teas to encourage the elimination of toxins from the body.
- Eat a light and healthy diet to allow the body to put energy into healing.
- Rest and relax after treatment to allow the body to heal itself.
We recommend you avoid:
- Do not shower or bath for eight hours to allow time for the oils to penetrate from the skin into the bloodstream.
- Avoid tea, coffee, and caffeine, as they are stimulants to the body and will not allow you to relax.
- Avoid sun exposure for 24 hours.
- Avoid smoking and alcohol for 24 hours after, as their stimulating effects may hinder the detoxifying process.
- Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours after treatment.
- Avoid home scrubs for at least 12 hours.
Find Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Near You in Los Angeles, CA
BSW is proud to offer not just this innovative massage technique but also the ability to combine BLDM with medical grade red light therapy. Combining this form of massage therapy with our red light therapy offers a powerful, holistic approach to wellness. We do this by leveraging the benefits of both therapies, helping our clients achieve enhanced muscle recovery, improved circulation, reduced stress, better skin health, and accelerated healing.
Frequently asked
Who can benefit from BLDM?
BLDM is ideal for anyone experiencing bloating, puffiness, or water retention, or those looking to improve their skin’s appearance, muscle definition, or overall wellness. It is also a great pre- or post-surgical treatment.
What makes Body Systems Wellness unique for BLDM?
At Body Systems Wellness in Glendale, CA, we enhance your BLDM experience by combining it with medical-grade red light therapy. This holistic approach amplifies the benefits, promoting muscle recovery, better circulation, reduced stress, improved skin health, and faster healing.
How is BLDM different from traditional lymphatic drainage?
While traditional lymphatic drainage focuses on light, rhythmic movements to address lymphedema and swollen lymph nodes, BLDM incorporates more vigorous techniques. It combines sculpting, contouring, and myofascial release to address bloating, puffiness, and cosmetic concerns like cellulite.
What is the lymphatic system, and why is it important?
The lymphatic system is a vital network of vessels, lymph nodes, and tissues that helps drain excess fluids, filter harmful bacteria, and support your immune defenses. It plays a critical role in maintaining your body’s overall health and wellness. However, factors like stress, poor diet, and lack of exercise can cause it to function sluggishly, leading to issues such as fluid retention and low immunity.
Is BLDM painful or uncomfortable?
Not at all! BLDM is designed to be a gentle and relaxing experience. While the techniques may be more vigorous than traditional lymphatic drainage massages, most clients find it both soothing and rejuvenating.